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Raven Adams

Involvement in a family law case is often stressful, and can take a severe financial and emotional toll on all parties involved. Perhaps you have found yourself involved in a complicated family law matter and decide that you need to speak with an attorney. You then receive a free consultation, but you are still unsure about the matter or the attorney. This may be a good time to consider getting a second opinion. In this article we discuss why you may need a second opinion on your family law case, including:

  • When Should I Seek a Second Opinion?
  • What Does a Second Opinion Entail?
  • Benefits of Getting a Second Opinion

When you receive a serious medical diagnosis, especially one that is unfavorable, the first step is often to get a second opinion before making any rash decisions. Lawyers are professionals, just like doctors. It is often worth it to get a second opinion when you receive a serious legal “diagnosis” as well, before investing what could turn into a considerable amount of money on a case.  

When Should I Seek a Second Opinion?

Once you are represented by an attorney, meaning once you have signed a retainer agreement accepting representation from an attorney, it is unethical for another attorney to speak with you. Thus, the best time to get a second opinion is after your first initial consultation, but before you sign a retainer.  

However, it is also worth it to get a second opinion if you have a complicated family law matter that you do not understand, you are frustrated with the current status of your case or are beginning to second guess the advice your current attorney is giving you. Below is a list of additional scenarios under which you may consider getting a second opinion.

  • You feel that your attorney is not listening to you or your concerns;
  • You don’t feel like you are being prepared for hearings or other court appearances;
  • You are not being given a clear explanation of the case strategy & reasons behind the chosen strategy;
  • Your relationship with your attorney has broken down to the point where you no longer trust their advice;
  • You want confirmation that you are receiving sound legal advice and that your case is being handled properly

What Does a Second Opinion Entail?

A second opinion is a review of your case in its current status and an assessment of the legal advice you have received thus far. During a second opinion review, an attorney will assess the facts of your unique case and determine whether they take a point of view opposing that of your current attorney, or whether they agree with the strategy and advice your current attorney has already provided to you.  

It is important to understand that there are often differing strategies that may get the same result. A second opinion will help you understand the likely outcome of your current strategy, even if it may differ from the strategy the second lawyer would have chosen.  

Benefits of Getting a Second Opinion

The goal of receiving a second opinion is to restore your confidence in knowing that your case is on the right track. If it is determined that your case is not on the right track, the second opinion will provide you with the right questions to ask your current attorney to steer you all in the best direction. Either way, a second opinion will either quell your concerns or confirm your fears and give you a better understanding of where your case is headed.

To speak with our experienced family law attorneys about your family law case, call our office at (630) 324-6666 or schedule a consultation. You can also fill out our confidential contact form and we will get back to you shortly.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Each individual's legal needs are unique, and these materials may not be applicable to your legal situation. Always seek the advice of a competent attorney with any questions you may have regarding a legal issue. Do not disregard professional legal advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.

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